4 months ago
Safetree ·
Infertility affects millions of couples globally, with 28 million couples in India suffering from the issue. Since not being able to conceive can be one of the most difficult events in a couple’s life, research shows that couples dealing with reproductive issues experience significant anguish and worry.
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4 years ago
Safetree ·
Life Insurance is a way to safeguard your future. From helping pay off debts to ensuring that you have a comfortable life in the future or when you old, there are plenty of buying a Life Insurance Policy from a credible insurance company.
There are two types of life insurance that you can buy – Whole life insurance and Term Life insurance. While the Whole Life Insurance Policy covers you for your life; the term life insurance covers you for a fixed-term period. Undoubtedly, the former has a higher and long-term premium; while the latter is much cheaper and the premium needs to be paid for a specific period.
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4 years ago
Safetree ·
The urban lifestyle has led to changes in food and sleep habits, reduced physical activity, and other unhealthy practices. This unhealthy lifestyle has increased the possibility of suffering from different health issues like diabetes, heart diseases, blood pressure problems, etc. Regular check-ups, medications, treatments, and surgeries for such diseases can definitely burn a hole in your pocket. The only way to manage hospital expenses is by getting covered under an adequate health insurance plan. A health insurance plan offers coverage against the ambulance, medication, regular check-up, pre and post hospitalization expenses up to the amount of sum assured.
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4 years ago
Safetree ·
The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a world economic crisis, a rise in unemployment, exhaustion of medical resources, etc. The pandemic has taken its toll on people all over the world. With a 25% reduction in the overall GDP and the industrial sector is down by 54%. The severe impact of Coronavirus has put people in financial and emotional stress. Lack of income and the increasing threat of Coronavirus has made lives difficult. In such a situation, finding an alternate source of income has become obligatory.
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5 years ago
Safetree ·
Losing a job is deeply shocking. It is a loss of livelihood; the ability to support ourselves and our families. Furthermore, the emotional impact goes beyond financial stress. For many people, loss of a job means loss of our identity or sense of respect, which can be devastating.
COVID- 19 pandemic has significantly impacted the economy and business worldwide; some industries might not recover for a long period. It has changed the dynamics of operating business; with no clear timelines for returning to old times. A post-pandemic economy will make finding a job extremely challenging. Can a pilot or a hotel professional find an alternative career option that is satisfying, after losing their job with the airlines or hotel industry, respectively?
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