Lost your Job? It’s not the End of World, It Might be a New Beginning! - Safetree

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Lost your Job? It’s not the End of World, It Might be a New Beginning!

Losing a job is deeply shocking. It is a loss of livelihood; the ability to support ourselves and our families. Furthermore, the emotional impact goes beyond financial stress. For many people, loss of a job means loss of our identity or sense of respect, which can be devastating.

COVID- 19 pandemic has significantly impacted the economy and business worldwide; some industries might not recover for a long period. It has changed the dynamics of operating business; with no clear timelines for returning to old times. A post-pandemic economy will make finding a job extremely challenging. Can a pilot or a hotel professional find an alternative career option that is satisfying, after losing their job with the airlines or hotel industry, respectively?

In a study conducted by an international institution, they found that most people who were forced out of a career, do manage to create meaningful futures and even feel more contented than they did before. This happens as they come to terms with their disrupted identities and start to see new possibilities. Often, they discover a part of themselves that they barely knew existed.

In case you are impacted by Corona, please consider the following points:

  1. No one can avoid stress. We need to learn ways to manage stress. A small amount of stress is good and helps to drive innovation and manifest creativity. Control your stress by breathing exercises or engaging in physical exercises.

In a training session, a trainer asked his participants how many of them felt stressed. Everyone answered Yes. Then he asked how many of them wanted a stress-free life. Again, everyone replied Yes. He said on the way to this training session, he found people with no stress and they were in a crematorium. He further inquired whether anyone would want to visit that place for a stress-free life. The answer given by the people was No. The point is that all living beings get stressed and we should learn ways to manage this living.

  1. Please don’t underrate your strength and control your emotions. Human beings are wonderful creatures with unlimited potentials. 

During the decade long recession, also known as the Great Depression, in the US from 1929 to 1939, millions of jobs were lost. Currently, few economists referring to ‘The Great Depression of 1929’ while sharing their forecast for economy post-Covid. However, even during those gloomy days of the great depression, big institutions were built and multiple new innovative products were developed. 

During those days, one individual known as George Jenkins with limited savings opened a shop of non-perishable items in a neighborhood shack with one thing in mind – that if he was not able to sell them, then he would use them. Today this enterprise (Publix Food Store) has over 1000 stores in the US and an income of US$ 30 billion.

Similarly, a large farmer had huge quantities of unsold potatoes. To prevent them from getting rotten, he created a storage facility that we now know as cold storage.

These individuals came up with simple solutions during ‘The Great Depression of 1929’ and those initiatives created huge organizations today.

As, someone said rightly – In Tough Times Some People Break Records, While Other People Break Themselves”You have a choice – either create an opportunity and make a new beginning or waste the time.

If you wish to be a part of the first category then we can help you be your boss, gain new skills and knowledge, earn more money, and attain high self-esteem. Safetree is an avid supporter of the ‘Saksham Bharat’ program, an initiative where we provide necessary training and skills to boost your income, develop a career by working a digital platform.

You can become a financial and risk expert through our training masterclasses. You can earn financial freedom and security, support society through your knowledge of risk-mitigating products, and enjoy digital workspace – all with just a click, anywhere, anytime.

Together with ‘Saksham Bharat’ movement and Safetree, start a new chapter of your life. Call us at our toll-free number 1-800-572-6647 or email us at partners@safetree.in.

Remember, ‘You’ve Just Lost A Job, Not Everything’!

About the Author
Vikas Anand
CEO, SafeTree


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